Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Conclusion

I think that my blogs this year have been very important to my growth as a writer and English student. They have been a reflection of most of what I have learned this year. Whenever we read a book in class, we are usually required to put our thoughts in our blogs or go in depth writing about themes or motifs. One of the most influential things I have learned in this class and that the blogs have assisted me with is literary analysis. These types of blogs have made me used to writing my thoughts about deeper meanings in novels and plays. The blogs are also a way for everyone to express him or herself and show their beliefs on ideas that are conveyed in the books we read. We have all gained much experience in analyzing literature where many of us had almost no previous experience. I have also learned from the how to properly examine a novel. Great Expectations was the longest novel we read, and in my opinion, the hardest. I learned how to pick out the important text from such extensive books as these. The way I look at it, the blogs this year have given me weakly practice to work on my essay writing skills. Well, almost weekly. But, to tell the truth I much enjoyed the weeks we didn't have blogs. No surprises there. I enjoyed having word power over blogs more, as strange as that might sound to some people. However, of the two, I believe that the blogs have been far more beneficial in developing me to be the honors English student I am today.

I don’t think that the blogs as a whole have been a very hard thing to do. Most of them have been easily doable while allowing us to learn at the same time. They have helped me to understand much of what we do in class. However, one thing has continued to give me trouble. I could hardly remember to do the blogs. If I could change one thing, it would be to make the comments no longer required. I usually do them the Saturday after they are due. I believe that a quote that goes along with this extreme forgetfulness "I've a grand memory for forgetting." by Robert Louis Stevenson. It also reflects on something that has been impeding my writing all year. It takes me forever to think of a good idea for an essay or blog. Unfortunately, after I think of one, as soon as I begin to write it down I forget what it was. Then I'm left to settle for something that won't be as good. While some of my blogs have been very well written and insightful and others may have been lacking in quality and a bit of a "rush job" I am grateful for them. I think it was one of the best and most efficient ways for me to learn a ton about English while not taking up a lot of time out of my weekend.

By the way, I think it would be very cool if we got extra credit for every comment we did this year, even if it's as little as half a point each it would be helpful.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Essay Writing: Challenges and Conquests

I believe that essay writing is extremely important and before this class, I had almost no idea how to write a one. I have improved drastically in being able to analyze literature but I still have a lot to learn. I have learned that every author uses a very specific style to express themes and ideas that they believe important.

For me the hardest thing to do is begin my essay with a powerful hook. It's one of the most important things because it draws the reader into your essay and gives them more interest. Original titles play a similar role and unfortunately, I can never make a good one. One of my final struggles would be leaving the reader with a lasting impression in the conclusion. Luckily, Mrs. Gilman, being the amazing teacher she is, has given us until Monday so I can work on perfecting these parts of my essay.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Summer Reading List

In the summer, I usually do have a list of books that I'll read when I'm bored. The first book on this summer's list is Last of the Breed by Louis L'amour. My dad said that it was probably the best book he'd ever read so I'm going to give it a try. I started it a few years ago but never had the chance to finish it. My second book will be The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien. This is mainly because my cousin, Omed, has been bothering me non-stop to read it for the last three years. I didn't have time last summer, so this summer will be the perfect opportunity fulfill his wish.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Theme and Motif: Fate

I was born on January 23, making me an Aquarius. We are supposed to be the strong, silent type but at the same time, extremely social, talkative and sensitive. Aquarius people are honest and loyal, independent and intellectual, and original and inventive. I think some of this fits for me. I am definitely not talkative or sensitive. On the other hand, I usually do work well independently; I'm loyal, and inventive.

The main reason I don't believe in these things is because they are written to fit almost anyone. Many of the traits are too conflicting. How can you be distant and unapproachable yet warm and welcoming? Or detached from friends and social circles and in the center of social circles at the same time? So of course, people are going to fit into the category that they are supposed to. They are too broad. Romeo and Juliet rely too much on the stars. They often give false information and you shouldn't leave your life up to them.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Culture Shock

Copy and paste this video about a Romeo and Juliet episode of Andy Griffith

Even though this is an old TV show, I still think that it shows the timelessness of Romeo and Juliet. There are references to the old play in many movies and shows. It has inspired many shows, like this one, to create entire episodes reenacting ideas and scenes from it. In this YouTube video, Andy is teaching the story to his son over breakfast.