Friday, March 26, 2010

Great Expectations: Skit Prep

  1. I think that it would be good to do a skit of the scene where Orlick kidnaps Pip. This is an important part in the book that explains Orlick's feelings and that he killed Mrs. Joe. It would also be fun to watch because it is one of the only parts in the book with a little action behind it.
  2. Another scene that would be important to act out is when Pip finds out Magwitch is his benefactor. Magwitch gives hints to Pip until he finally believes Magwitch is his secret benefactor. This scene is important because it marks a major turning point in Pip's life and expectations.
  3. The final scene that I would enjoy watching is when Pip gets the money from the Weird Guy in the Bar. It would be funny to see people acting really strangely and overemphasizing the leg rubbing. This scene is also important to the story as we eventually find out that this was one of the first payments given to Pip by Mr. Abel Magwitch.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Uno More Frage

My question should be fairly simple to answer; I'm just a little bit confused. It's about chapter 42 when Abel Magwitch tells Pip and Herbert about Compeyson. I understand that Compeyson is the second convict that was fighting Magwitch in the beginning of the story. Magwitch was also his partner in crime while they attempted to lure Miss Havisham away from her money. I know that now Abel and Compeyson hate each other to death but I have no idea how this hate escalated to such a height and why the two want each other dead. Can I please get some help with this? Thank you.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Great Expectations - Q.A.P.

My question is pretty literal. I have no idea why or what Trabb's Boy is doing." I beheld Trabb's boy lashing himself with a blue bag… he trembled violently in every limb, staggered out into the road, and crying to the populace, 'Hold me! I'm so frightened'". And in the next paragraph when he sees Trabb's Boy on the street up ahead again, "this time his motion was rotator, and he staggered round and round me with knees more afflicted"(272 chapter 30, the pages in my book are way different I think it's about 245 in yours). He continues these actions for this entire page and most of the next. I think he may be making fun of Pip or stocking him in a weird.

Any help would be MUCH appreciated

Thank you

Friday, March 5, 2010

Great Expectations: Photo Post

This picture exhibits Pip's feelings of leaving home to become something better. As a child Pip wanted to become a blacksmith like Joe. However, as he is introduced to new people, a new idea sprouts in his mind. He begins to think of himself and those around him as poor. As this thought develops, Pip feels that he can do better. Even he can become a gentleman. The boy in this picture is similar to Pip as he looks out of his dark house and into a bright and prosperous future.